Hong Kong is home to one of the world’s fastest growing data centers and offers an environment where data and information can be stored, processed and analyzed in ways that enhance business decision-making. Its dense urban environment is an ideal location for data center development, with a large number of high-speed broadband connections and easy access to overseas markets. The city also boasts excellent infrastructure and an established pool of skilled workforce.
Having the right people in place is critical to your success. A good starting point is to identify the roles needed to support, sponsor and execute your data governance program. These people will help you create and communicate your data governance framework, and drive ongoing audits and metrics that assess program effectiveness and ROI.
The best people for these roles are subject matter experts who understand both the business and IT sides of your organization’s processes, decisions and interactions. Experienced business analysts make strong business stewards, and IT systems and enterprise architects make good IT stewards.
When building your team, use a responsibility assignment matrix like RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted and informed) to organize the people involved in your project. This helps ensure that the right people have input at the right times, and that everyone understands their specific responsibilities. It also helps to prevent a single person from dominating the conversation and stalling progress.
While personal data obtained in the public domain does not require consent from the individual, you must comply with the PDPO and the relevant data protection principles, especially DPP1 and DPP3. The former stipulates that the processing of personal data must be lawful and fair in the circumstances of the case. The latter specifies that you must not re-use personal data for a new purpose without the permission of the individual.
SmarTone has a range of roaming data packages on their 3G and 4G network that include allowances for Hong Kong, mainland China and Macau. The HK$ 98 starter plan has a daily cap on data usage for mainland China and Macau that is separate from, and lower than, the local capped data allowance in Hong Kong. Top-ups can be made online HK$ 50-300 or with vouchers sold in csl. shops, 7-Eleven, 1O1O and Van Go kiosks.